Sunday, September 30, 2007

"टिप्पणीकार" Blogging On Comments

Tippanikar002The Hindi blogosphere is very young, even in infancy, but the creativity of Hindi bloggers is amazing. For example, recently an unidentified Hindi blogger has started a blog known as Tippanikar (He Who Comments).

Right assuming that comments form an important part of the Hindi blogosphere, the author of this blog carefully combs through comments and picks up some of the most notable ones -- thoughtful ones, humorous ones, and even the nasty ones -- and offers very enlightening analysis. Surely, the Hindi blogosphere is going develop its own unique flavour soon.

You can see this blog Here

[सफल चिट्ठाकारी परंपरा] जब टिप्पणीकार नामक चिट्ठा अचानक हिन्दीजगत पर "उतरा" तो शायद किसी ने इसे गंभीरता से नहीं लिया. इसके दो कारण हैं. एक टिप्पणी के महत्व को अभी तक बहुत कम लोगों ने समझा है. दो, टिप्पणी जैसे तथाकथित गौण विषय पर एक "अनजान" व्यक्ति द्वारा चालू किये गये चिट्ठे को किसी ने अधिक महत्व नहीं दिया. लेकिन मेरी सोच इससे अलग थी.

मैं ने एक दम समझ लिया कि यह किसी बहुत ही अच्छी पकड वाले चिट्ठाकार की अनाम कृति है. दो, इनकी दो तीन प्रविष्ठियों को देखते ही मुझे लगा कि विषय पर इस चिट्ठाकार की असामान्य पकड है. अत: तुरंत ही सारथी पर टिप्पणी पर टिप्पणी-चिट्ठा ? नाम से एक सचित्र लेख मैं ने दिया था. दो हफ्ते में ही यह स्पष्ट हो गया कि यह चिट्ठा एक बौद्धिक स्तर पर चलाया जा रहा है. सटीक विश्लेषण, एवं सबसे महत्वपूर्ण टिप्पणियों को यह चिट्ठा पकड ही लेता है.

उस अनाम चिट्ठाकर को मेरा प्रणाम जिसने टिप्पणी जैसे तथाकथित गौण विषय से एक पूरी विधा का अविष्कार कर दिया. मेरा सुझाव है कि आप अनाम ही रहें, लेकिन अपने टिप्पणी-अवलोकन/अनुसंधान को जारी रखें. जो कुछ करना चाहता है उसके लिये अवसर ही अवसर है. आप उसके अच्छे उदाहरण है.

आपने चिट्ठे पर विदेशी हिन्दी पाठकों के अनवरत प्रवाह प्राप्त करने के लिये उसे आज ही हिन्दी चिट्ठों की अंग्रेजी दिग्दर्शिका चिट्ठालोक पर पंजीकृत करें. मेरे मुख्य चिट्टा सारथी एवं अन्य चिट्ठे तरंगें एवं इंडियन फोटोस पर भी पधारें

चिट्ठाजगत पर सम्बन्धित: विश्लेषण, आलोचना, सहीगलत, निरीक्षण, परीक्षण, सत्य-असत्य, विमर्श, हिन्दी, हिन्दुस्तान, भारत, शास्त्री, शास्त्री-फिलिप, सारथी, वीडियो, मुफ्त-वीडियो, ऑडियो, मुफ्त-आडियो, हिन्दी-पॉडकास्ट, पाडकास्ट, analysis, critique, assessment, evaluation, morality, right-wrong, ethics, hindi, india, free, hindi-video, hindi-audio, hindi-podcast, podcast, Shastri, Shastri-Philip, JC-Philip,

Saturday, September 29, 2007

नारद एग्रीगेटर Narad Hindi Aggregator

Narad001 [हिन्दी चिट्ठाजगत आज जो है उस के लिये बहुत अधिक श्रेय जाता है नारद को]

Narad is the messenger in Hindu pantheon. The same name has been adopted by the first Hindi blogs aggregator. Based upon the WordPress engine, and modified by skilled Indian programmers, this aggregator played a historical role in developing a Hindi blogger community.

Though the engine shows signs of age, it continues to list all major Hindi blogs and every post in them becomes available about 30 minutes after they are posted on the respective blogs. In addition to being an aggregator, the Narad cluster of domains offers several other very useful resources and tools for Hindi bloggers.  You can see this aggregator here: Narad

[If you this blog, then you should see my flagship Hindi blog Sarathi. Other blogs maintained by me are Tarangen and Indian Photos]

Friday, September 28, 2007

ममता टीवी Mamata TV's Blog

चिट्ठाजगत अधिकृत कड़ी 

Mamta001 [हिन्दी मे मुक्त प्रतिलिप अधिकार देने वाले चंद चिट्ठों में एक]

The idea of Public Domain and Creative Commons is picking up in Hindi Blogosphere. This good for a society that has long had protectionist tendencies.  Once writings are given in Creative Commons, it liberates people to use these works without legal threat.

Mamta is a Homemaker, writes on numerous subjects with flair, and liberally illustrates her writings with photographs. You can see her blog here: Mamta TV

[If you this blog, then you should see my flagship Hindi blog Sarathi. Other blogs maintained by me are Tarangen and Indian Photos]

उन्मुक्त Unmukt: A Pioneer In Hindi

Unmukt001 [जहां तक मेरी जानकारी है, हिन्दी में अपने लेखों को पब्लिक डोमेन में देने वाले पहले चिट्ठाकार उन्मुक्त हैं]

Public Domain and Creative Commons are basically ideas from the West. However, it is spreading slowly but steadily into the East -- though we the people of East are basically very protectionist.

Unmukt (A man of free and liberal thoughts) refuses to identify himself, but is an extremely knowledgeable person -- when one assesses him by his works. Many of his article, but not all, are related to the way as the Indian Laws affect common people. He has left all his works into the public domain. You can visit him here: Unmukt 

[If you this blog, then you should see my flagship Hindi blog Sarathi. Other blogs maintained by me are Tarangen and Indian Photos]

चिट्ठाजगत ChitthaJagat Hindi Aggregator


[चिट्ठाकारी चालू हुई अंग्रेजी से, लेकिन अब यह कई भाषाओं में पहुंच गई है. प्रस्तुत है हिन्दी का एक एग्रीगेटर-परिचय]

Though Blogs started only in English world, the addition of Unicode non English fonts in the latest versions of the Windows operating system has brought a flood of blogging in Non English languages. Hindi is one of the fastest growing languages in Blogsphere.

There are three major aggregators in Hindi. Narad is the oldest one and the father of Hindi blogging revolution. The latest one is Blogvani.  Technologically the strongest player is ChitthaJagat and the name is the Hindi equivalent of Blogsphere.

The process of registration is almost fully automated, and it takes very little time to get on to this aggregator and being seen by the world. In fact the engine starts the process of aggregation as soon as it gets the URL of a new Hindi blog. The author can claim it soon after that. As I write, it represents about 1100 Hindi blogs.

सारथी हिन्दी चिट्ठा

(सारथी हिन्दी चिट्ठा मुश्किल से पांच महीना पुराना है, लेकिन इतने समय में यह बहुत प्रसिद्ध हो गया है)

The Hindi Blogsphere is blessed with over 1000 blogs today (2007), and is growing at an exponential rate. By 2010 the number would stand around 50,000. All specializations are gradually being covered, and we will introduce the good blogs to you one by one.

Of these, Sarathi is my own flagship Hindi blog. It started functioning in April, and in less than 6 months it gets more than 100,000 hits and close to 40,000 page-reads every month. The word Sarathi literally means "the person who pilots a chariot". In Hindi it also has many symbolic meanings and overall it represents a person who leads one from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, and from falsehood to truth.

Sarathi usually publishes 3 articles a day, one by me and two are selected from the Hindi Blogsphere. Kindly visit Sarathi today itself.

हिन्दी ब्लॉगस्फियर क्यों Why A Blog Like This ?

(हिन्दुस्तान में अंग्रेजी जानने वालों की कमी नहीं है, लेकिन इसके बावजूद गैरहिन्दुस्तानियों को हिन्दी सीखने का श्रम जरूर करना चाहिये).

 Shastri JC Philip_Stamp Hindi is gradually becoming the most important language for education, commerce, and international relations. Indians ignore it at their peril. Non Indians ignore it at a greater peril because if they really want to have any kind of serious transaction with Indians (economic, cultural, social), they should speak the language dear to the heart of the majority of Indians.

Imagine trying to use Hindi in USA, China, or Japan. It would be foolish. In the same way, trying to use English alone to relate with Indians would be foolish for any non Indian nation.

One of the best ways to get the pulse of the Hindi world is the Hindi blogsphere. At present it is represented by slightly more than 1000 blogs, but by 2010 it would surely surpass 50,000 Hindi blogs on all subjects conceivable -- and inconceivable. Hindi Blogsphere aims to introduce and initiate non Hindi people to the world of Hindi Blogsphere. Do not forget to bookmark this blog, lest you miss an important tool in your hand -- Shastri JC Philip